GARETH GARY WEAN THERE IS A FISH IN THE COURTHOUSE Who was Gary Wean? What was Gary Weans problem with Jews in Ventura County? Joseph Donald O'neill What influence has Gareth Wean had on Ventura County? What about Camarillo and the JFK assassination? John F Kennedy George Bush Joseph Biden? The establishment of Israel and the 1967 war? Martin Luther and Gary Wean anti-jews? What about today? Jewish Mafia? How does it affect the Ventura Courts today? Mickey Cohen Eli Cohen
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
February 21, 1871
by Lisa Guliani
...The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.
What??? How could they do that? Moreover, WHY would they do that? To explain, let's look at the circumstances of those days. The Act of 1871 was passed at a vulnerable time in America. Our nation was essentially bankrupt — weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War. The Civil War itself was nothing more than a calculated "front" for some pretty fancy footwork by corporate backroom players. It was a strategic maneuver by European interests (the international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the neck (and the coffers) of America.
The Congress realized our country was in dire financial straits, so they cut a deal with the international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London were dipping their fingers into everyone's pie) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. If we think about banks, we know they do not just lend us money out of the goodness of their hearts. A bank will not do anything for you unless it is entirely in their best interest to do so. There has to be some sort of collateral or some string attached which puts you and me (the borrower) into a subservient position. This was true back in 1871 as well. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend our floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a brilliant way of getting their foot in the door of the United States (a prize they had coveted for some time, but had been unable to grasp thanks to our Founding Fathers, who despised them and held them in check), and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed.
In essence, this Act formed the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Note the capitalization, because it is important. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved right in and shoved the original "organic" version of the Constitution into a dusty corner. With the "Act of 1871," our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word "for" was changed to the word "of" in the title. The original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written in this manner:
"The Constitution for the united states of America"...
The Act Of 1871 (5:14)
by Anonymous
Ventura County was also one of the USA's most corrupt counties and regularly ranked in the top-ten most corrupt law enforcement jurisdictions (it has even been ranked number one).
Those judges in Ventura County were members of what Gary called the Mishpucka, as they were Jewish. Harry Pregerson was a kingpin mobster judge who sat on a federal bench for nearly forty years, who made Gary’s life miserable, but the judges in Ventura County tried to have Gary killed when he thwarted their plans. But I get ahead of myself. Now, I will begin to show how Gary’s path and mine overlapped long before we met.
I am going to begin to leave Gary’s LA days behind now and focus on Ventura County, which is the primary setting of Gary’s book. Gary’s career took him back and forth between LA and Ventura County. Ventura County is adjacent to LA, and is in a different world. LA was a big, ugly slab of asphalt, with air so thick with pollution that you could cut it with a knife, while Ventura County was largely rural, with some small and growing towns, famed beaches, and Ventura was the crown jewel of Ventura County and where I was raised from age 8 (when my father returned from his misadventure at NASA) until I left home at 21. Ventura is the last mission town that JunÃpero Serra established in his lifetime, and I attended an elementary school named after him. Serra was sainted in 2015, and in a way, his sainthood is emblematic of how our system operates. Serra was the Hitler of California, as his missions were actually concentration camps that resulted in the complete genocide of the coastal tribes of California, from San Francisco to San Diego. The only tribes with any survival fled to California’s interior.
As a teenager, even I could see what was going to happen to Ventura County. The groves were mowed down to put up housing tracts and the fields were paved over, as the hordes from LA spilled outward. I recall seeing a newspaper article that predicted that California’s coast would one day be a big city, stretching from San Diego to San Francisco, and called San San. That is well on its way to happening. My first job was salvaging the lumber from a walnut fam that was mowed down, and the local post office and an office building were among the structures erected on that land. I was the janitor of that office building several years later, as I studied business. The man who took my janitor job (I tried to give it to my retired father) when I left for the university was an Asian immigrant, and while he was the janitor at that office building, he became a millionaire by speculating in real estate. A janitor becoming a millionaire was a sign of the times in Ventura.
A few miles from my home was Wagon Wheel Junction, and I grew up at the bowling alley there, where my mother worked for many years. At Wagon Wheel was a restaurant where a local developer held court, named Martin Smith, called Bud Smith. He built the only office towers in Ventura County, near Wagon Wheel. Even before I left home, my father told me that people who crossed Smith simply disappeared. He was well-known to be a gangster. One of the funnier anecdotes in Gary’s book, at least to me, was when Gary was surveilling some of Mick Cohen’s hoods and in walked Bud Smith, who sat down with them. Gary looked across the room and saw two people whom he recognized as DEA narcotics agents, and his partner talked with them. While Gary and his partner had been tailing Cohen’s men, the DEA agents were tailing Smith, who was a prime suspect for bringing in drug shipments through a local port, where my father worked during his career. Smith was too clever to be caught, however, and I never saw any newspaper coverage of him that wasn’t fawning and calling him a “philanthropist,” like that Wikipedia article does.
I live near Seattle today, and it is getting “Californicated” today, big time, as entire neighborhoods are getting bulldozed and high-density condos and the like are being put up, as we get to experience the “success” of Amazon and Microsoft, two predatory corporations. Seattle will be in compete gridlock soon, and I won’t be retiring here. I saw it happen to Ventura County, and now it is happening to the Seattle area, and California developers are leading the effort.
During the boom of the late 1990s, which was a mere prelude to what is happening today, as Seattle becomes unrecognizable, Bud Smith was up here, getting in on the action, building skyscrapers. I worked in one of them in Bellevue, when I worked for a software company, and the woman in the office next to mine had a husband who built skyscrapers (and they soon moved to Shanghai, where the big action was). I asked her one day if she knew who Bud Smith was, and she did: he had a glistening reputation as a straight-shooting businessman and philanthropist. I had to laugh. I am all too familiar with those kinds of “philanthropists.” Being a “philanthropist,” or “liberal” judge whose conscience guided him, is a great cover for gangsters.
A major theme in Gary’s book from his Ventura days was the real estate activity. The judges of Ventura County’s Superior Court ultimately controlled the situation, as many millions could be made on their rulings, and the gangster judges in Ventura County were Gary’s primary antagonists who ruined his life.
Another funny anecdote in Gary’s book was when he was contacted by a retired mobster from Chicago, and they had lunch together. In Gary’s book, you easily get the sense of the relationship between cops like Gary and mobsters. It is like a game of cat and mouse, and even almost one of mutual respect. Gary knew plenty of mobsters, and his job was putting them behind bars if he could, but he had to play by the rules of the game. He watched a mobster bludgeon another once, but Gary knew that with their code of omertá, the bludgeoned mobster would never testify, so Gary could only watch. The mobster from Chicago retired to the fun and sun of California, and planned to dabble in real estate. As he began to get into the real estate game, he saw how the judges and others had the game completely rigged and under their control. The mobster marveled to Gary. The mob in Chicago never had it as sweet as the gangsters in Ventura County did.
Those judges in Ventura County were members of what Gary called the Mishpucka, as they were Jewish. Harry Pregerson was a kingpin mobster judge who sat on a federal bench for nearly forty years, who made Gary’s life miserable, but the judges in Ventura County tried to have Gary killed when he thwarted their plans. But I get ahead of myself. Now, I will begin to show how Gary’s path and mine overlapped long before we met.
Those judges in Ventura County were members of what Gary called the Mishpucka, as they were Jewish. Harry Pregerson was a kingpin mobster judge who sat on a federal bench for nearly forty years, who made Gary’s life miserable, but the judges in Ventura County tried to have Gary killed when he thwarted their plans. But I get ahead of myself. Now, I will begin to show how Gary’s path and mine overlapped long before we met.
I am going to begin to leave Gary’s LA days behind now and focus on Ventura County, which is the primary setting of Gary’s book. Gary’s career took him back and forth between LA and Ventura County. Ventura County is adjacent to LA, and is in a different world. LA was a big, ugly slab of asphalt, with air so thick with pollution that you could cut it with a knife, while Ventura County was largely rural, with some small and growing towns, famed beaches, and Ventura was the crown jewel of Ventura County and where I was raised from age 8 (when my father returned from his misadventure at NASA) until I left home at 21. Ventura is the last mission town that JunÃpero Serra established in his lifetime, and I attended an elementary school named after him. Serra was sainted in 2015, and in a way, his sainthood is emblematic of how our system operates. Serra was the Hitler of California, as his missions were actually concentration camps that resulted in the complete genocide of the coastal tribes of California, from San Francisco to San Diego. The only tribes with any survival fled to California’s interior.
As a teenager, even I could see what was going to happen to Ventura County. The groves were mowed down to put up housing tracts and the fields were paved over, as the hordes from LA spilled outward. I recall seeing a newspaper article that predicted that California’s coast would one day be a big city, stretching from San Diego to San Francisco, and called San San. That is well on its way to happening. My first job was salvaging the lumber from a walnut fam that was mowed down, and the local post office and an office building were among the structures erected on that land. I was the janitor of that office building several years later, as I studied business. The man who took my janitor job (I tried to give it to my retired father) when I left for the university was an Asian immigrant, and while he was the janitor at that office building, he became a millionaire by speculating in real estate. A janitor becoming a millionaire was a sign of the times in Ventura.
A few miles from my home was Wagon Wheel Junction, and I grew up at the bowling alley there, where my mother worked for many years. At Wagon Wheel was a restaurant where a local developer held court, named Martin Smith, called Bud Smith. He built the only office towers in Ventura County, near Wagon Wheel. Even before I left home, my father told me that people who crossed Smith simply disappeared. He was well-known to be a gangster. One of the funnier anecdotes in Gary’s book, at least to me, was when Gary was surveilling some of Mick Cohen’s hoods and in walked Bud Smith, who sat down with them. Gary looked across the room and saw two people whom he recognized as DEA narcotics agents, and his partner talked with them. While Gary and his partner had been tailing Cohen’s men, the DEA agents were tailing Smith, who was a prime suspect for bringing in drug shipments through a local port, where my father worked during his career. Smith was too clever to be caught, however, and I never saw any newspaper coverage of him that wasn’t fawning and calling him a “philanthropist,” like that Wikipedia article does.
I live near Seattle today, and it is getting “Californicated” today, big time, as entire neighborhoods are getting bulldozed and high-density condos and the like are being put up, as we get to experience the “success” of Amazon and Microsoft, two predatory corporations. Seattle will be in compete gridlock soon, and I won’t be retiring here. I saw it happen to Ventura County, and now it is happening to the Seattle area, and California developers are leading the effort.
During the boom of the late 1990s, which was a mere prelude to what is happening today, as Seattle becomes unrecognizable, Bud Smith was up here, getting in on the action, building skyscrapers. I worked in one of them in Bellevue, when I worked for a software company, and the woman in the office next to mine had a husband who built skyscrapers (and they soon moved to Shanghai, where the big action was). I asked her one day if she knew who Bud Smith was, and she did: he had a glistening reputation as a straight-shooting businessman and philanthropist. I had to laugh. I am all too familiar with those kinds of “philanthropists.” Being a “philanthropist,” or “liberal” judge whose conscience guided him, is a great cover for gangsters.
A major theme in Gary’s book from his Ventura days was the real estate activity. The judges of Ventura County’s Superior Court ultimately controlled the situation, as many millions could be made on their rulings, and the gangster judges in Ventura County were Gary’s primary antagonists who ruined his life.
Another funny anecdote in Gary’s book was when he was contacted by a retired mobster from Chicago, and they had lunch together. In Gary’s book, you easily get the sense of the relationship between cops like Gary and mobsters. It is like a game of cat and mouse, and even almost one of mutual respect. Gary knew plenty of mobsters, and his job was putting them behind bars if he could, but he had to play by the rules of the game. He watched a mobster bludgeon another once, but Gary knew that with their code of omertá, the bludgeoned mobster would never testify, so Gary could only watch. The mobster from Chicago retired to the fun and sun of California, and planned to dabble in real estate. As he began to get into the real estate game, he saw how the judges and others had the game completely rigged and under their control. The mobster marveled to Gary. The mob in Chicago never had it as sweet as the gangsters in Ventura County did.
Those judges in Ventura County were members of what Gary called the Mishpucka, as they were Jewish. Harry Pregerson was a kingpin mobster judge who sat on a federal bench for nearly forty years, who made Gary’s life miserable, but the judges in Ventura County tried to have Gary killed when he thwarted their plans. But I get ahead of myself. Now, I will begin to show how Gary’s path and mine overlapped long before we met.
Until the early 21st century, Gary’s testimony regarding Tower and JFK was ignored by, or unknown to, nearly everybody involved with the JFK assassination controversy. This section is written in the hope that Operation Northwoods’s revelations will spark more interest in Gary’s tale. James Bamford, who brought the Northwoods documents to American attention in his Body of Secrets, wrote that the Northwoods plan “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”[20] There is plenty of competition for “most corrupt plan” in American history.
The Mysterious Phone Call That Predicted JFK’s Death credit
Moments before John F. Kennedy was assassinated, an unknown woman in Oxnard, California told telephone operators that the President would be killed. The call remains a mystery to this day.
The story was reported by the Associated Press immediately after the assassination in November 1963. The following report ran in the Washington Post:
“Mystery Call Foretold Fate of President”LOS ANGELES, Nov 22What could be an intriguing mystery in the President’s assassination might center in the Oxnard-Camarillo area, near Los Angeles.Fifteen minutes before Mr. Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard telephone supervisor overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:“The President is going to be killed.”The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Co. in Oxnard at 1:10 p.m. EST. The fatal wounding of Mr. Kennedy in Dallas occurred shortly after 1:25 EST.Telephone company executives said it was impossible to trace the mysterious call other than to know that it originated in nearby Oxnard-Camarillo area.The state mental institution is located at Camarillo.Ray Sheehan, general manager of the telephone company there, said:“One of our supervisors picked up the call. The caller kept dialing although her call was connected. Then she started whispering. Another supervisor listened in and was able to hear the woman saying, “The President is going to be killed.”Sheehan said the mysterious call was reported to police — but after the President had been shot.
A blurb at the end of an article about the event can also be found in the St. Petersburg Times, dated the same day, which read:
Fifteen minutes before Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard, Calif. telephone supervisor overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:“The President is going to be killed.” The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Company in Oxnard.
The FBI investigated this mysterious phone call during its probe of the assassination. The FBI reports are cataloged by the Mary Ferrell Chronologies. In November 22, 1963, Book 1, page 12, a timeline of the phone call is given:
12:10 p.m. (CST) = 10:10 a.m. (PST)Two experienced (6 years) telephone operators on a toll call line servicing 12,000 phones in Oxnard, California, report:(1) Voice of middle-aged woman
(2) At 10:07-10:08 a.m.: “The President is going to die at 10:10” (12:10 CST)
(3) This said so rapidly that it might have been read: “The Justice, the Supreme Court, there is going to be a fire in all the windows; the Government is going up in flames.”
(4) Named 12 courts in order of importance starting with the Supreme Court to Probate Court and Juvenile Court.
(5) “The President is going to die at 10:30.” (12:30 CST)
(6) Courts again mentioned.
(7) “The Government takes over everything; lock, stock, and barrel.”
(8) One of the operators heard: “thermostat, rheostat, heostat.”
(9) Lasted 10-15 minutes. Operators switched to other calls. This caller was never connected to anyone else. At one time when operator offered help, the voice said, “Please get off the line; I’m using the phone.” (This was a party line.”)(Legacy of Doubt: 234 says Bobby Kennedy very curious about call and investigated Oxnard 5/28/68) Call from Oxnard-Camarillo area 50 miles north of Los Angeles.
The mysterious call was also documented by the Warren Commission. Additional details about the call were provided.
Anonymous Telephone Call
November 22, 1963Parker Sullivan, President, General Telephone Company, Santa Monica, California, telephonically advised Special Agent Paul L. Mack at 11:35 a.m., November 22, 1963, of receipt of anonymous telephone conversation at the Oxnard Exchange, Oxnard, California, at approximately 10:10 a.m. this date.Telephone operators, Mrs. Doris E. Bliss, six years experience, and Mrs. Jean M. Shores, six and a half years experience, advised SA John E. Keane that Mrs. Bliss, operating a toll call board, recording Trunk No. 42, thought someone had a receiver off as she heard a fuzzy sound and received no reply to her call of “operator”. Then on hearing whispering sounds, asked Mrs. Shores to come in on the line as she thought party might be in trouble. Individual on line started to dial and after dialing a few numbers started whispering very faintly, “the President is going to die at 10:10”. Mrs. Bliss and Mrs. Shores looked at the telephone company clock located between them noting the time was 10:07 to 10:08. Mrs. Shores stated she next heard in the same whispering voice something as follows: “the Justice, the Supreme Court, there’s going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames”. Mrs. Shores stated they thought the individual was reading something as she was whispering so rapidly. This party then evidently laid the receiver on the table, but no background noises whatever could be heard. The party then dialed 12 to 15 digits and Mrs. Bliss again asked if she could be of assistance. At this time, the voice which sounded like that of a middle aged woman replied, “No, I’m using the phone”. This reply was in a clear, normal voice and did not appear to indicate anything unusual. The party then went back into the whispering in a definite, rhythmic, fast tempo, naming at least 12 courts in order of importance staring with Supreme Court and ending with Probate and Juvenile Courts. The party then continued, “The President is going to die at 10:30”. The number of courts were again mentioned. That party then stated, “the Government takes over everything, lock, stock, and barrel”.This is the last part of the conversation heard by Mrs. Shores. Mrs. Bliss heard a few seconds more of whispering in which the party stated a number of words as follows: thermostat, rheostat, heostat. The whispers then became inaudible and after a few seconds, Mrs. Bliss release the line as the individual on the party line had been attempting to get the line. Mrs. Shores and Mrs. Bliss stated that the entire lapse of above incident was 10 to 15 minutes, during which time they were both off and on the line to answer other calls. At no time was there any other party on the line and they were both of the opinion that no connection had been made with a second party, and that the caller was quite mentally disturbed.Mrs. Delma C. Kerrick, Chief Operator, Oxnard Exhange, advised she has no knowledge of receipt of any similar calls.Mr. Ray Sheehan, Manager, Oxnard Exchange, advised that recording Trunk No. 42, serves approximately 12,000 stations in the Oxnard, California area, of which 60 percent are party lines, and telephone company unable to identify caller or location from which made.
As with virtually every unanswered detail of President Kennedy’s assassination, this call has become the focal point of several conspiracy theories. Many of these, however, are based on conjecture and un-sourced narratives.
It has been alleged that Robert Kennedy wanted to investigate the mystery call. He reportedly told a friend that he wanted to find out more about the call during a campaign stop in 1968. RFK did in fact travel through Oxnard on May 28, 1968 – just days before his own assassination. Kennedy supposedly “disappeared for two hours” and used the excuse that he had been looking for a lost hat. This is most widely attributed to the book Legacy of Doubt, by Peter Noyes, p.234.
There is little evidence to corroborate this claim, and it isn’t known what Bobby Kennedy may have learned about the Oxnard call if he did make such a visit.
Author Gary Wean took the story further, implying that RFK’s assassination may have been related to his investigation of the Oxnard call.
Robert Kennedy was assassinated in an extension of JFK’s murder because he had let his feelings be known that, quote, “the only way I can have the power to learn who really killed my brother is to become President.”Only a matter of hours after Det. Sgt. Ed Patton and I gave RFK documents in Oxnard, California, RFK was dead. These documents were phone records. They revealed a phone call had been made from Federal Commissioner Ben Nordman’s and Ventura Superior Court Judge Jerome Berenson’s law office over twenty minutes before JFK was assassinated that “he was going to be killed.” RFK was also given the names of the persons making the phone call.
Wean suggests in the paragraph above that someone at a law office was tipped off and made the mysterious phone call.
Despite the fact that Wean provided no sources or corroboration for his assertion, it has been repeated by many conspiracy theorists as truth.
The Oxnard Call - Who was the woman who called to warn of JFK's assassination just minutes before it happened

From The Washington Post...
**"Mystery Call Foretold Fate of President”
What could be an intriguing mystery in the President’s assassination might center in the Oxnard-Camarillo area, near Los Angeles.
Fifteen minutes before Mr. Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard telephone superviser overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:
“The President is going to be killed.”
The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Co. in Oxnard at 1:10 p.m. EST. The fatal wounding of Mr. Kennedy in Dallas occurred shortly after 1:25 EST.
Telephone company executives said it was impossible to trace the mysterious call other than to know that it originated in nearby Oxnard-Camarillo area.**
The woman even seemed to amend the time she gave, first stating he would be shot at 1210 CST, then changing it to 1230. It happened at 1230.
There are some pretty out there theories on this one as you can imagine. Still very interesting though.
RFK - An Afterword
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).
Oxnard-Camarillo Circa '63
The Oxnard-Camarillo region during the Cold War could not look more like an Oliver Stone meets M. Night Shyamalan movie set if it tried.
The area was home to:
•A Rosicrucian (AMORC) "Pronaos" (in theosophy the term "from the crypt to the pronaos" indicates the start and the end of the process by which thought can be materialized). Here then, the name itself proclaims it as the place where all your wishes can literally be made come true. The address to go? 346 North H St.[11]
•The Port Hueneme Naval Surface Weapons Center The Oxnard Air Force Base - cited as the source of UFO sightings in the area during the 1950s and '60s
•The Camarillo State Mental Hospital
RFK - An Afterword
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).
[1] Commission Document 1107 - FBI Gemberling Report of 15 May 1964, pp82-3
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Ibid
[7] Wikipedia entry for Radionics [8] Email to author from Ellis Peterson, July 11, 2008
[9] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1943
[10] Arthur M Young Essay, Science, Spirit & The Soul, 1985
[11] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1957 (with street address) - still listed in Oxnard in following years, but without street address
[12] For details of RFK's efforts in Oxnard to find out about the call, see Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt, pp23
The Oxnard-Camarillo region during the Cold War could not look more like an Oliver Stone meets M. Night Shyamalan movie set if it tried.
The area was home to:
•A Rosicrucian (AMORC) "Pronaos" (in theosophy the term "from the crypt to the pronaos" indicates the start and the end of the process by which thought can be materialized). Here then, the name itself proclaims it as the place where all your wishes can literally be made come true. The address to go? 346 North H St.[11]
•The Port Hueneme Naval Surface Weapons Center The Oxnard Air Force Base - cited as the source of UFO sightings in the area during the 1950s and '60s
•The Camarillo State Mental Hospital
RFK - An Afterword
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).
[1] Commission Document 1107 - FBI Gemberling Report of 15 May 1964, pp82-3
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Ibid
[7] Wikipedia entry for Radionics [8] Email to author from Ellis Peterson, July 11, 2008
[9] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1943
[10] Arthur M Young Essay, Science, Spirit & The Soul, 1985
[11] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1957 (with street address) - still listed in Oxnard in following years, but without street address
[12] For details of RFK's efforts in Oxnard to find out about the call, see Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt, pp23
'Simulated Assassination' gone awry?
Gary Wean, Me, and the JFK Hit
Sunday, August 18, 2019
In 1948, the state of Israel was established. Menachem Begin eventually became Israel's Prime Minister. Begin was a member of the Irgun terrorist group. He helped blow up a hotel, killing many people. When Begin was the Israeli Prime Minister, he could not visit Britain, because he was wanted for murder there. The people who established Israel were extremely violent. Mick Cohen became involved with Begin, and became an arms dealer for Israel, which is not surprising to anybody who has done any digging into the CIA’s alliances. Cohen said that his Jewish blood made him such a fervent sup -
In 1948, the state of Israel was established. Menachem Begin eventually became Israel's Prime Minister. Begin was a member of the Irgun terrorist group. He helped blow up a hotel, killing many people. When Begin was the Israeli Prime Minister, he could not visit Britain, because he was wanted for murder there. The people who established Israel were extremely violent. Mick Cohen became involved with Begin, and became an arms dealer for Israel, which is not surprising to anybody who has done any digging into the CIA’s alliances. Cohen said that his Jewish blood made him such a fervent sup -
Mickey Cohen became the West Coast racket boss in 1947, after his mentor and predecessor, Bugsy Siegel, was assassinated.
"Talking about Hank, our operator. Frank and I'd been watching Mickey Cohen from a distance. We knew he was up to something out of the ordinary. He spent a lot of time with a weird-looking little guy at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel lunch counter and drug store area. What got our curiosity most was Mickey seemed to be taking orders from the stranger. Getting the van we put a new sign on it, The Village Florist, we parked it next to the hotel. On Wilshire Blvd., in prestigious Beverly Hills it fit in far more than an Ace Plumbing van. We got photos with our telescopic lens of Cohen and his friend. The office checked it out; we learned his name: Menachem Begin.
To get back to the fact that the FBI never recovered them and some of these weapons ended up in Mickey Cohen's armory, well, after Mickey Cohen went to jail and those things happened, another guy had come up the line, who was being pushed by the Jews, whose name was Irving Rueben. A psycho-pathic murderer, this guy, and he got all these arms and he travels all over the country stirring up trouble and everything else. As I said before, Koresh got involved and I'd have to look up the exact records as to the minute point where he got connected with all those people into guns. Now, some of the guns, they figured it would be a good place, these ones that were taken from the National Guard Armory, specifically the one in Oxnard, where better to hide them than in a religious institute? Well, Koresh got his hands on some of them; some of the 50 caliber machine guns ended up in his hands. One of the guys that is behind all of this thing, this goes way deep, is Lloyd Bentsen. Bentsen, as Secretary of the Treasury, is head of the Secret Service and BATF. This was the purpose for them going into Waco and getting these weapons and destroying any evidence because it would lead right back to Menachem Begin, and if it lead back to Menachem Begin and Mickey Cohen, then it would lead back to the Israeli government. All these guns had been transferred when Mickey Cohen went to jail and then Irving Rueben got his hands on them. And then some of them, as I say, went to Koresh in Waco. And that was the purpose of them doing what they did to Waco, to wipe out any evidence of this trail back to the National Guard Armories and to other people. See what I mean? Caspar Weinberger — this was a desperation play.
Carl E. Ward, Jr. was involved in the JFK assassination and also was connected to the Cabazon Indian Reservation gambling and murders, also the Inslaw affair. Carl E. Ward Jr.'s brother Robert Ward was arrested by the Ventura County Sheriff Department and Secret Service involving a conspiracy to kill Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, Jerry Ford, Richard Nixon and all their wives in one swipe when they gathered at the inauguration of Reagan's Library in Simi Valley, California. The killings were to be accomplished by a laser weapon attack. This massive assassination conspiracy to wipe out a group of people who knew too many secrets was covered-up by the Secret Service and Ventura Sheriffs Department on the Mishpuckas orders to conceal the fact that it was a Mishpucka plot.
They had taken off from Santa Paula airport in their Beechcraft Debonair and mysteriously crashed in Winslow, Arizona. William Morgan Hetrick operated an airplane repair and maintenance company at Santa Paula Airport and was considered a genius at making gadgets — things that could mysteriously cause a plane to unexplainably crash. The real operator and brains behind the cocaine smuggling operation was California State Appellate Court Judge Hymie Blitzberg, aka Steven J. Stone in Ventura.
Who Was Mickey Cohen?
Mickey Cohen was born on September 4, 1913, in Brooklyn, New York, and grew up in Los Angeles. After a troubled childhood, Cohen's first connections with top Jewish and Italian mobsters came during his teenage years, through his involvement in the boxing game. During the Great Depression he boxed professionally, and acted as muscle for both Mafiosi and Jewish gang bosses in Cleveland, New York and Chicago. In his early 20s, he began working for legendary mobster Bugsy Siegel. By the early 1940s, Cohen was allied with Siegel's partners Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello; approved by Lucky Luciano; and sponsored by his old Cleveland supporters, the Milano family, along with other prominent nationally ranked mobsters. In addition to traditional mob businesses, Cohen took advantage of the movie industry by controlling unions and through blackmail. In 1947, Siegel was assassinated and Cohen, subsequently, became the West Coast crime boss. Cohen's exploits made him nationally notorious, and his own appetites and ambitions exemplified the Noir City that he both bled and serviced. His connections were so wide and deep that although he was brought to trial for all types of offenses, including murder, he was convicted just twice, for income tax evasion. He died of natural causes in L.A. in 1976.
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The fear of evil outsiders had been a refrain in L.A. before any of these cops were born. You could go back to 1891, when this was a community of 70,000 with a police force of 75, and hear Chief John Glass warn of “Eastern crooks” seeking warm weather and easy pickings. After the turn of the century, the invaders were upgraded to “Eastern gangsters,” and in 1927 Det. Ed “Roughhouse” Brown became a local legend by escorting Al Capone to the train when the notorious mobster was discovered in a downtown hotel. “I thought you folks liked tourists,” Capone said before returning to Chicago.
Now a new group of “tourists” was demanding 25% of the take at landmarks such as the Mocambo and Brown Derby, and the club owners did not want to go to court, worried what might happen to their families. A state crime report would warn anew of an “Invasion of Undesirables.” “What are you gonna do?” O’Mara asked.
The view was great from the hills off Mulholland Drive. So why not escort these hoodlums up there and, as O’Mara put it, “have a little heart-to-heart talk with ‘em, emphasize the fact that this wasn’t New York, this wasn’t Chicago, this wasn’t Cleveland. And we leaned on ‘em a little, you know what I mean? Up in the Hollywood Hills, off Coldwater Canyon, anywhere up there. And it’s dark at night.”
Amid that darkness, he would “put a kind of a gun to their ear and say, ‘You want to sneeze?’ ”Gary Wean
Gary Wean and the JFK Assassination
Sun Nov 16 23:23:33 2003
Gary Wean and the JFK Assassination
In early 1989, it appeared as if Dennis had no chance of living to see this side of the bars again. There were a handful of people trying to save him from life in prison, and probably being murdered while he was in there. Although our effort was the target of a wide-ranging international conspiracy, Ventura County was also one of the United States’ most corrupt counties, regularly ranking in the top ten most corrupt law enforcement jurisdictions (it has even been ranked number one). Dennis was far from alone in being raped by Ventura County’s legal system.
In Ventura County, one person in particular was standing up to the corruption. Gary Wean was a sailor in World War II and became an LAPD policeman in 1946. Gary had the kind of career that they make movies about. He moved back and forth between Ventura County and Los Angeles a couple of times in the 1950s and 1960s. While in Los Angeles, Gary was at times a motorcycle cop directing traffic, while at others he was a detective. He worked out of the downtown and Hollywood precincts. Dealing with the escapades of politicians, celebrities and gangsters was simply part of his job.
In 1947, he was pursuing an armed robber through the streets of Los Angeles on a high-speed chase. The suspect crashed his car as it barreled along at ninety miles an hour through LA’s streets. He tried escaping on foot, and Gary cornered him in the dark. The suspect begged for his life. As Gary approached, the man stuck his pistol (which had already killed somebody during the robbery) into Gary’s abdomen and fired. He fired a second shot that hit Gary in his hand. Gary then emptied his pistol into the man, while his partner also fired, killing the robber instantly. Gary’s partner rushed him to the hospital. Although Gary’s abdomen was in great pain, he did not want to unbuckle his Sam Brown belt (a wide leather belt which held his firearm and other police equipment) as they rushed to the hospital, because he thought it might be all that was holding him together. When Gary finally took off his belt, his partner saw that the bullet hit the belt and did not penetrate Gary’s skin.[3] That was a day in the life of an LAPD cop. Below are images from that day.
wean.jpg (102963 bytes)Click on image to enlarge.
Gary relates many amazing incidents in his book There's a Fish in the Courthouse. Gary was from the old school: he believed in the ideal of law enforcement, and that through a properly functioning legal system there could be a more just society.
When I met Gary in early 1989, he gave me the best advice I could get: no organization in America would help Dennis, either governmental or private. Dennis’ experience was not that unusual. U.S. judicial gangsterism was normal, but nearly always covered up or misrepresented by the media, as they are an integral part of the system. Gary's advice kept me from wasting my time seeking somebody in the United States government to help. Gary’s insight helped lead to Dennis’ miraculous release from jail. In my hour of need, Gary was generous with his time, sincere, and helpful.
The first edition of There's a Fish in the Courthouse was published in 1987, and tells of an incredible meeting that Gary attended in late 1963. One of Gary's friends was Audie Murphy, America's most decorated war hero who became a Hollywood movie star. During World War II, Murphy took on hundreds of German soldiers and six tanks single-handedly near Holtzwihr France, while he was firing a machine gun from atop a burning vehicle filled with explosives. It stands as one of the most heroic feats from any war. Murphy suffered from “shell shock” (now called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) for the rest of his life.
One of Murphy's friends was Bill Decker, the sheriff of Dallas County. Decker came to California regularly on business, and when he came to town, Gary would arrange for Murphy, Decker, himself and his partner to dine at the Police Academy. About two weeks after the JFK assassination, in early December 1963, Decker was in town and they all had lunch together. The topic of conversation quickly turned to what arms experts across the nation were discussing: how could Oswald have made those shots with that poor shooting position and mediocre rifle to kill John Kennedy? Nobody at that table thought it was possible for Oswald to have made those shots. After they arrived at their conclusion, Decker told them that he knew Oswald had not fired the shots, and that a man in Dallas wanted to talk to somebody about it. Oswald died while being transferred to Decker’s custody. Decker knew somebody who could set the record straight, and wanted to talk to somebody not connected to Dallas or Washington. Murphy was interested, and the next week, Murphy, Gary and his partner were flying to Ruidoso, New Mexico to meet Decker and his friend.
They met at the airport and went to a diner to talk. The man who came with Decker was named John. According to John, Oswald was anything but a “lone nut.” He was a U.S. intelligence agent acting under the direction of E. Howard Hunt. Oswald had been recruited into military intelligence when he joined the Marines. His hanging out in an expensive Tokyo nightclub as a private, his learning Russian at the highly sensitive U-2 base in Japan, his defection to the Soviet Union and other oddities were all part of his intelligence career (which probably began even before his Marine days, when he was a cadet in 1955 in David Ferrie’s Civil Air Patrol unit. “Coincidentally,” Oswald began his “fascination” with communism at the same time). Oswald was developing "communist" credentials for his future activities in infiltrating communist organizations. It was a fairly normal American intelligence path.[4]
Oswald was inducted into CIA covert activities and came under Hunt’s direction. Hunt was a major player in mounting the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, and he, as with many others in the military and CIA, blamed Kennedy for the failure (Kennedy refused to call in openly American air support). Hunt dreamed up the crazy assassination attempts on Castro that the United States tried. His mission in life was eliminating Castro. Oswald came into his control, and was thrown into the cauldron of the Cuban exile communities in Miami and New Orleans. Oswald did not initially know what his mission would be.
Hunt was paranoid about Oswald's Russian wife, thinking that she might be a Russian spy, so Oswald could tell her nothing about his activities. Oswald’s joining Fair Play for Cuba and his staged “murder attempt” on General Walker were all part of giving Oswald “credentials” that would make his upcoming performance more believable. Hunt had concocted the most bizarre assassination intrigue of all time. Oswald was going to participate in a fake assassination attempt on John Kennedy, and frame Castro for it. Oswald’s apparent visit to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City was part of laying an elaborate trail to Cuba. Hunt believed that if Castro could be implicated in an assassination attempt on JFK, the American people could be riled up into supporting an outright invasion of Cuba.
JFK was not aware of the fake assassination plan, but high-ranking officials in the government and his administration were. Military intelligence, the FBI and the CIA were all involved. Oswald was initially leery of Hunt’s plan, but with assurances and after seeing the high-level people involved, he went along with it. Oswald was to fire his rifle into the air, then go into hiding, and the false trail to Cuba was laid. He could come home to a hero’s welcome and live a normal life after America had finished mopping up Cuba.
But something went horribly wrong. The fake assassination turned into a real one. Somebody had infiltrated the operation, interposed the mission and killed JFK. The real assassins tried killing Oswald after JFK was killed, but policeman Tippit was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was killed. Oswald escaped, to be captured alive. John said that he knew that Oswald would not have shot a policeman under any circumstances.
At the end of his mind-blowing tale, John handed over a thick manila envelope, sealed with wax with a thumbprint on it, that contained the documents John said would prove his story.
Murphy, Gary and his partner went back to California. They knew that the situation was too big and dangerous for them to pursue. John said that if he went public with his story, he would quickly disappear, never to be heard from again. A few days after that meeting, Decker called Murphy. As John was telling his story, the CIA and intelligence community was in shock. They did not know what to do, paralyzed with fear. As they recovered from their shock, they saw themselves facing the firing squad if their involvement in the assassination intrigue became known. The intelligence community decided they would do everything they could to cover their tracks, invoking “national security.” Decker told Murphy that John had given him the envelope of documents in a moment of panic, and that if Murphy did not give the envelope back, he would be “destroyed.” Murphy did some fast thinking and told Decker that they had torn the envelope into pieces and threw them out of the airplane as they were flying back to California.
That is what Gary says he witnessed, and I believe him. In the first edition of his book, Gary hid John's identity. Because John was dead when Gary published the second edition of his book in 1996, Gary revealed that “John” was John Tower, the Senator from Texas and George Bush’s little buddy who he nominated to be the Secretary of Defense.
Gary wrote his book in the early 1970s. New evidence keeps coming to light regarding the JFK assassination. Because of what Gary saw, I knew that Oswald was not a lone nut. The center of gravity of my research into the JFK assassination has been to see how it correlated with Gary's testimony. Every piece of credible evidence I have seen supports Gary’s story, and none contradicts it. Particularly impressive has been the recent revelations of Operation Northwoods, where the U.S. government was going to stage terrorist acts in America to manipulate Americans into supporting an invasion of Cuba. Gary’s story touches upon many facets of the JFK assassination evidence, including Oswald's military intelligence days, his association with the Cuban exiles, the “Texas Connection,” the “Republican Connection,” the oilman connection, the George Bush connection, the CIA connection, the FBI connection and others. Up until now (2002), Gary's testimony has been ignored by virtually everybody involved in investigating the JFK assassination. Gary is the only surviving member of that meeting with John Tower. Tower and Murphy both died in private plane “accidents” that may not have been accidental.
Gary's career ended in Ventura County when he stumbled into corruption that boggles the mind. Gary names names, and I knew some of the people he named in his book, and knew of many of the events. I independently believed his version of some events before I met him. When he encountered the corruption in Ventura, which ended his career, he fought back and survived a murder attempt himself. Those who run Ventura County are judges on the Superior Court, real estate developers, politicians and the like. According to Gary, political murder was common in Ventura County, where judges, lawyers and other people who got in the way or were expendable were murdered, sometimes by private plane “accidents,” mysterious drownings, etc.
Hollywood has made many movies and TV shows about the police and crime in Los Angeles, especially during the 1930s, 1940s and '50s, such as LA Confidential and Chinatown. Gary worked out of the downtown and Hollywood precincts during his days as an LAPD cop. Later in his career, he became an investigator for the LA District Attorney's Office. In the early days of Gary’s career, he was assigned to keep watch on Mickey Cohen, who ran LA’s organized crime operations. Cohen, Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky were Jewish gangsters. Siegel “built” Las Vegas. Cohen ran the LA crime scene for many years. In typical gangster style, Cohen’s hangouts were often boxing arenas, racetracks, restaurants, etc. Gary followed Cohen around as part of his job. One member of Cohen’s entourage, who Gary saw regularly, was an aspiring lawyer who sat on the Ninth District Federal Court for many years. I saw his name in the news a few years ago, and he is still a judge, at nearly 80 years of age in 2002. The man is a gangster, and a federal judge, and the media and establishment has been lavishing praise on him lately, with awards and hagiographic articles.
The connection between Frank Sinatra and organized crime is one of many in the entertainment field (or the CIA, or George Bush, or Joe Kennedy, or entertainment and law enforcement, such as Elvis Presley and the FBI, or the FBI and organized crime). Along with good food and pretty women, first-class entertainment is another gangster perk. Gangsters keep entertainers as their “pets” when they can. The Las Vegas connection and entertainment is a case in point. Cohen was deeply involved in the Hollywood scene.
One of Cohen’s specialties was blackmailing celebrities, such as obtaining compromising photographs of them to use as leverage. The Mafia had the goods on FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, a transvestite. Because of their blackmail, Hoover publicly denied organized crime’s existence, and the FBI rarely tried prosecuting them. When Robert Kennedy prosecuted organized crime when he was Attorney General, he was breaking the unwritten rules.
One of Cohen's successes involved Lana Turner. Johnny Stompanato was a good-looking, aspiring Italian gangster, one of the gangster wannabees that filled Los Angeles in those days. The LA hookers said that the Italian Stallion Stompanato was the best bedroom performer in LA, and Cohen arranged for him to meet Turner. The romance flourished. Cohen paid for a deluxe motel suite for the lovers. The bed was wired for sound. Cohen got a recording of Stompanato and Turner going at it. Cohen had two thousand copies pressed of Turner’s squeals of ecstasy. It became a hit at Hollywood parties. Some said that it was one of Turner’s finest performances. It made Cohen a lot of money, as he sold the record for fifty dollars a copy. Turner’s daughter eventually murdered Stompanato, creating one of Hollywood’s bigger scandals. That recording became the “must have” item after Stompanato’s death, and Cohen pressed thousands more records, making big money.
As Gary followed Cohen, sometimes putting him under sophisticated surveillance, Gary met members of Cohen’s entourage. In 1946, Gary saw somebody new with Cohen at the racetrack. In 1947, he bumped into him at a restaurant he was watching. The man knew Gary was a cop, yet they had an interesting conversation. The man introduced himself as Jack Ruby. His real name was Jacob Rubenstein, and he worked with Mick Cohen. Ruby openly told Gary that the mob was focusing its operations on New Orleans and Havana, where the action was. With World War II over, the West Coast was not really the happening place anymore. Ruby murdered Oswald, and Gary presents intriguing evidence regarding the organized crime connection with the JFK assassination.
In 1948, the state of Israel was established. Menachem Begin eventually became Israel's Prime Minister. Begin was a member of the Irgun terrorist group. He helped blow up a hotel, killing many people. When Begin was the Israeli Prime Minister, he could not visit Britain, because he was wanted for murder there. The people who established Israel were extremely violent. Mick Cohen became involved with Begin, and became an arms dealer for Israel, which is not surprising to anybody who has done any digging into the CIA’s alliances. Cohen said that his Jewish blood made him such a fervent sup
- (Cont'd) ...digging into the CIA’s alliances... — Gary Wean, Sun Nov 16 23:32
- The Price Paid so that the Sheep Can Remain Brain Dead. — Victim of the Current Elitist Genocide Program, Mon Nov 17 00:31
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Who was Gareth "Gary" Wean? Ventura County Courts? Gary's career ended in Ventura County when he stumbled into corrupti...
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