Wednesday, August 21, 2019



Assessing the Credibility of Gary’s Story, and How it Fits the Facts
Until the early 21st century, Gary’s testimony regarding Tower and JFK was ignored by, or unknown to, nearly everybody involved with the JFK assassination controversy.  This section is written in the hope that Operation Northwoods’s revelations will spark more interest in Gary’s tale.  James Bamford, who brought the Northwoods documents to American attention in his Body of Secrets, wrote that the Northwoods plan “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”[20]  There is plenty of competition for “most corrupt plan” in American history.

The Mysterious Phone Call That Predicted JFK’s Death credit

Moments before John F. Kennedy was assassinated, an unknown woman in Oxnard, California told telephone operators that the President would be killed. The call remains a mystery to this day.


The story was reported by the Associated Press immediately after the assassination in November 1963. The following report ran in the Washington Post:
“Mystery Call Foretold Fate of President”
What could be an intriguing mystery in the President’s assassination might center in the Oxnard-Camarillo area, near Los Angeles.
Fifteen minutes before Mr. Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard telephone supervisor overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:
“The President is going to be killed.”
The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Co. in Oxnard at 1:10 p.m. EST. The fatal wounding of Mr. Kennedy in Dallas occurred shortly after 1:25 EST.
Telephone company executives said it was impossible to trace the mysterious call other than to know that it originated in nearby Oxnard-Camarillo area.
The state mental institution is located at Camarillo.
Ray Sheehan, general manager of the telephone company there, said:
“One of our supervisors picked up the call. The caller kept dialing although her call was connected. Then she started whispering. Another supervisor listened in and was able to hear the woman saying, “The President is going to be killed.”
Sheehan said the mysterious call was reported to police — but after the President had been shot.

A blurb at the end of an article about the event can also be found in the St. Petersburg Times, dated the same day, which read:
Fifteen minutes before Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard, Calif. telephone supervisor overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:
“The President is going to be killed.” The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Company in Oxnard.


The FBI investigated this mysterious phone call during its probe of the assassination. The FBI reports are cataloged by the Mary Ferrell Chronologies. In November 22, 1963, Book 1, page 12, a timeline of the phone call is given:
12:10 p.m. (CST) = 10:10 a.m. (PST)
Two experienced (6 years) telephone operators on a toll call line servicing 12,000 phones in Oxnard, California, report:
(1) Voice of middle-aged woman
(2) At 10:07-10:08 a.m.: “The President is going to die at 10:10” (12:10 CST)
(3) This said so rapidly that it might have been read: “The Justice, the Supreme Court, there is going to be a fire in all the windows; the Government is going up in flames.”
(4) Named 12 courts in order of importance starting with the Supreme Court to Probate Court and Juvenile Court.
(5) “The President is going to die at 10:30.” (12:30 CST)
(6) Courts again mentioned.
(7) “The Government takes over everything; lock, stock, and barrel.”
(8) One of the operators heard: “thermostat, rheostat, heostat.”
(9) Lasted 10-15 minutes. Operators switched to other calls. This caller was never connected to anyone else. At one time when operator offered help, the voice said, “Please get off the line; I’m using the phone.” (This was a party line.”)
(Legacy of Doubt: 234 says Bobby Kennedy very curious about call and investigated Oxnard 5/28/68) Call from Oxnard-Camarillo area 50 miles north of Los Angeles.


The mysterious call was also documented by the Warren Commission. Additional details about the call were provided.
Anonymous Telephone Call
November 22, 1963
Parker Sullivan, President, General Telephone Company, Santa Monica, California, telephonically advised Special Agent Paul L. Mack at 11:35 a.m., November 22, 1963, of receipt of anonymous telephone conversation at the Oxnard Exchange, Oxnard, California, at approximately 10:10 a.m. this date.
Telephone operators, Mrs. Doris E. Bliss, six years experience, and Mrs. Jean M. Shores, six and a half years experience, advised SA John E. Keane that Mrs. Bliss, operating a toll call board, recording Trunk No. 42, thought someone had a receiver off as she heard a fuzzy sound and received no reply to her call of “operator”. Then on hearing whispering sounds, asked Mrs. Shores to come in on the line as she thought party might be in trouble. Individual on line started to dial and after dialing a few numbers started whispering very faintly, “the President is going to die at 10:10”. Mrs. Bliss and Mrs. Shores looked at the telephone company clock located between them noting the time was 10:07 to 10:08. Mrs. Shores stated she next heard in the same whispering voice something as follows: “the Justice, the Supreme Court, there’s going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames”. Mrs. Shores stated they thought the individual was reading something as she was whispering so rapidly. This party then evidently laid the receiver on the table, but no background noises whatever could be heard. The party then dialed 12 to 15 digits and Mrs. Bliss again asked if she could be of assistance. At this time, the voice which sounded like that of a middle aged woman replied, “No, I’m using the phone”. This reply was in a clear, normal voice and did not appear to indicate anything unusual. The party then went back into the whispering in a definite, rhythmic, fast tempo, naming at least 12 courts in order of importance staring with Supreme Court and ending with Probate and Juvenile Courts. The party then continued, “The President is going to die at 10:30”. The number of courts were again mentioned. That party then stated, “the Government takes over everything, lock, stock, and barrel”.
This is the last part of the conversation heard by Mrs. Shores. Mrs. Bliss heard a few seconds more of whispering in which the party stated a number of words as follows: thermostat, rheostat, heostat. The whispers then became inaudible and after a few seconds, Mrs. Bliss release the line as the individual on the party line had been attempting to get the line. Mrs. Shores and Mrs. Bliss stated that the entire lapse of above incident was 10 to 15 minutes, during which time they were both off and on the line to answer other calls. At no time was there any other party on the line and they were both of the opinion that no connection had been made with a second party, and that the caller was quite mentally disturbed.
Mrs. Delma C. Kerrick, Chief Operator, Oxnard Exhange, advised she has no knowledge of receipt of any similar calls.
Mr. Ray Sheehan, Manager, Oxnard Exchange, advised that recording Trunk No. 42, serves approximately 12,000 stations in the Oxnard, California area, of which 60 percent are party lines, and telephone company unable to identify caller or location from which made.


As with virtually every unanswered detail of President Kennedy’s assassination, this call has become the focal point of several conspiracy theories. Many of these, however, are based on conjecture and un-sourced narratives.


It has been alleged that Robert Kennedy wanted to investigate the mystery call. He reportedly told a friend that he wanted to find out more about the call during a campaign stop in 1968. RFK did in fact travel through Oxnard on May 28, 1968 – just days before his own assassination. Kennedy supposedly “disappeared for two hours” and used the excuse that he had been looking for a lost hat. This is most widely attributed to the book Legacy of Doubt, by Peter Noyes, p.234.
There is little evidence to corroborate this claim, and it isn’t known what Bobby Kennedy may have learned about the Oxnard call if he did make such a visit.
Author Gary Wean took the story further, implying that RFK’s assassination may have been related to his investigation of the Oxnard call.
Robert Kennedy was assassinated in an extension of JFK’s murder because he had let his feelings be known that, quote, “the only way I can have the power to learn who really killed my brother is to become President.”
Only a matter of hours after Det. Sgt. Ed Patton and I gave RFK documents in Oxnard, California, RFK was dead. These documents were phone records. They revealed a phone call had been made from Federal Commissioner Ben Nordman’s and Ventura Superior Court Judge Jerome Berenson’s law office over twenty minutes before JFK was assassinated that “he was going to be killed.” RFK was also given the names of the persons making the phone call.
Wean suggests in the paragraph above that someone at a law office was tipped off and made the mysterious phone call.
Despite the fact that Wean provided no sources or corroboration for his assertion, it has been repeated by many conspiracy theorists as truth.

The Oxnard Call - Who was the woman who called to warn of JFK's assassination just minutes before it happened

From The Washington Post...
**"Mystery Call Foretold Fate of President”
What could be an intriguing mystery in the President’s assassination might center in the Oxnard-Camarillo area, near Los Angeles.
Fifteen minutes before Mr. Kennedy was shot, an Oxnard telephone superviser overheard a woman caller whisper to someone:
“The President is going to be killed.”
The strange call was intercepted by supervisors of the General Telephone Co. in Oxnard at 1:10 p.m. EST. The fatal wounding of Mr. Kennedy in Dallas occurred shortly after 1:25 EST.
Telephone company executives said it was impossible to trace the mysterious call other than to know that it originated in nearby Oxnard-Camarillo area.**
The woman even seemed to amend the time she gave, first stating he would be shot at 1210 CST, then changing it to 1230. It happened at 1230.
There are some pretty out there theories on this one as you can imagine. Still very interesting though.
RFK - An Afterword
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).
Oxnard-Camarillo Circa '63
The Oxnard-Camarillo region during the Cold War could not look more like an Oliver Stone meets M. Night Shyamalan movie set if it tried.

The area was home to:
•A Rosicrucian (AMORC) "Pronaos" (in theosophy the term "from the crypt to the pronaos" indicates the start and the end of the process by which thought can be materialized). Here then, the name itself proclaims it as the place where all your wishes can literally be made come true. The address to go? 346 North H St.[11] 
•The Port Hueneme Naval Surface Weapons Center The Oxnard Air Force Base - cited as the source of UFO sightings in the area during the 1950s and '60s
•The Camarillo State Mental Hospital

RFK - An Afterword
There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC).

[1] Commission Document 1107 - FBI Gemberling Report of 15 May 1964, pp82-3
[2] Ibid
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Ibid
[7] Wikipedia entry for Radionics [8] Email to author from Ellis Peterson, July 11, 2008
[9] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1943
[10] Arthur M Young Essay, Science, Spirit & The Soul, 1985
[11] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1957 (with street address) - still listed in Oxnard in following years, but without street address
[12] For details of RFK's efforts in Oxnard to find out about the call, see Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt, pp23

'Simulated Assassination' gone awry?

Gary Wean, Me, and the JFK Hit


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